A young woman named Theodora grew up in the village of Vasta, not far from this location.
These lands were infested with bandits and raiders who were enemies of the local inhabitants. Theodora soon felt the need to join the defence, but there was one problem, she was not a man. As a woman, she would be viewed poorly, or at the very least, not recognised as a warrior.
Nevertheless, Theodora was determined to help defend her village, and this did not stop the fighting spirit of the revered young woman, who disguised herself as a man. She soon became a recognised warrior, earning the respect of the local people.
After arduous feats and fighting, the young woman suffered a mortal blow on this very location, and as she lay dying, she uttered the following words:
“Let my body become a church
My blood a river
My hair the forest”
So it was that after those powerful words, the villagers were moved by such courage and valour and erected a church in her honour.
As predicted by the prayer of the holy virgin, water began to flow directly under the church, and 17 giant trees sprouted from the roof.